Features added from project 3
Feature 1:
Anywhere you click on screen a platform is created
Feature 2:
Once the player moves onto the createdplatform it will disappear after 6 seconds
Once player cube touches platform is wil change from white to green to yellow and ending on red.
Feature 4:
When player clicks on spine cube button it will spin and then reset to original state;
Feature 5:
When play reaches the end platform they are teleported back to the beginning if it within 60 seconds;
Feature 6:
When the player reaches the end a prefab will appear, saying you win.
Feature 7:
When player reaches the end platform their best time will be displayed in the bottom corner.
Feature 8:
When player presses start button it will take them to the next scence of the game
OldFeature FROM project 2
Feature 1:
Game start check box which start clock and allows player movement. It also changes text whether it filled in or not.
Feature 2:
Player can use forward key after the checkbox has been pressed to move cube forward.
Feature 3:
Player can use backward key after the checkbox has been pressed to move cube backwards.
Feature 4:
Player can use left key after the checkbox has been pressed to move cube left.
feature 5;
Player can use backward key after the checkbox has been pressed to move cube backwards.
feature 6:
Player can use q key after the checkbox has been checked to jump.
feature 7:
When cube go to low it will teleport back to the starting platform.
feature 8:
The slider when moved will change the cubs size.
feature 9:
When clicking the player button it will change the players color at random using random color.
feature 9;
The cube will no longer be able to move once 60 seconds have passed.
feature 10:
The clock will reset to starting position once the checkbox has been sent.
feature 11:
Platforms can be created be right clicking and teleport ahead of whatever the cubes locations is.
feature 12:
The dropdown menu has three options and changing them will allow the cube to move further which each movement.
feature 13:
There is a death counter and every time the cube goes to low and teleports the counter will increase.